Tag: seth callan

New Addition to the Gallery

Yesterday, I took an old, unfinished pencil sketch and set to work on turning it into something. This is my imagining of the two-stemmed Alsa rose stamp Nigel had commissioned for Seth when he became the Rhi’Aleron. The talons? Those just sort of happened. I didn’t have them on...

When All Through the House

Not a creature was stirring, not even a Mouse. Merry Christmas to you and yours. And to every reader who made this long year a little brighter, thank you. Ostensibly, Seth had left the warmth of Glenayre to gather juniper cuttings to scent Isobel’s candles. In reality, he welcomed...

Heart of a Chalyn: Chapter 51

Aw, man. Seth, what the hell were you thinking? You make such a big deal out of free will, and go on and on about how you won’t use your mindriding on anyone. Then what do you do? Turn that mindriding loose on the woman you love. Isobel isn’t...

Spirit Runner Chapter 41 – Last Straw

This is one of the pivotal chapters in Rootstock Saga. Seth has finally had enough. The guilt he carries over his part, real or perceived, in the decision to stand down from the fight for Rhynn freedom in Legend of the Storm Hawks hardens into resolve. And he never...

Storm Hawks Chapter 60: The Bond II

That’s right. You guessed it. Gaven and Rosalee are the second of the Rootstock Saga characters to form a mindgifted bond. Gaven’s farsight has already been well-established in the story, but Rosalee has a tinge of her sister’s empathy gift. They are bonded telepaths, like Seth and Isobel, but...

Storm Hawks Chapter 42: The Bond

In the past several chapters, we witnessed the first Awakenings. Mindspeaking Ashlon speaks telepathically to Isobel, urging her to jump from the ledge. The mindgift he sought to awaken with his vow of silence bursts free in the crucible of danger. Ashlon is the first mindspeaker chronicled in the...

Storm Hawks Chapter 1 Extra: Master of Disguise

Nigel is a master of disguise. In this opening chapter, as an old drunk in a tweed cap, he blends into the scenery. Though he recognizes the Storm Hawks by name, this is the first time he has met them, and they do not yet realize they’ve crossed paths...


Mindriding is the telepathic projection of one’s will onto another creature. The mindgift often manifests as a talent for training collies, birds, or horses. Someone with the mindriding gift is called a mindrider. As with other forms of telepathy, this evolutionary adaptation augments the awareness of the subliminal collective...