Tag: gaven buchanan

Witch of Lurago Chapter 11: Grief

Grief is one of the rawest emotions in the spectrum of the human experience. We’re made of substance, and time erodes substance, so loss is inevitable. Everyone who has ever lived has lost someone or something they held dear. We gather mementos, build shrines, and sort our pain into...

Storm Hawks Chapter 69: Swift Gates and Ravens

Gaven travels from Dundarien to Twelvestones through a mysterious portal Jenna calls a swift gate. The portal opens in the cave beneath Gaven’s observatory ledge on the sheer cliffs of Mount Yonah. Wait. Calum and Rachel thoroughly explored this cave earlier. They found no portal. They found only a...

Storm Hawks Chapter 60: The Bond II

That’s right. You guessed it. Gaven and Rosalee are the second of the Rootstock Saga characters to form a mindgifted bond. Gaven’s farsight has already been well-established in the story, but Rosalee has a tinge of her sister’s empathy gift. They are bonded telepaths, like Seth and Isobel, but...

Tomnashangan: Captain Ban and the Hollow Hill

While doing genealogy research years ago, long before I began writing Rootstock, I ran across the Scottish legend of Captain Ban and the Hollow Hill of Tomnashangan. A woman goes missing.  Nearly a year passes and rumors swirl. The fairies of the hollow hill are holding her captive. Magic...