Witch of Lurago Chapter 90: What Goes Around
Reincarnation requires the continuity of a soul.
Remove religion from the debate for a moment and just wonder… what do we call the unique sense of self that makes us sentient? Soul, spirit, or essence. It’s the intangible energy sigil that makes you… you. For the sake of objectivity, let’s call it an essence.
If your essence is unique and intangible, why assume it’s bound to the constraints of a physical body, or even to the constraints of time or place?
What if, at some point over the eons of repeating Earth cycles, something unexpected and inimitable occurred? What if one inciting peculiarity on the event horizon transformed the intangible to energy, and the energy to perpetuity of consciousness?
Let’s say that happened. Thus the birth of the Misty World. The parallel universe to ours, but made of mist not substance. The Hard World and the Misty World coexist, and a few of us can travel between them.

Am I in both worlds or one? How do I pass from one to the other?
Mouse and Redan are learning, opening doors, and beginning to make sense of the dual worlds. With the help of Yonah, Fia, and the lion.
Who was I before? Does my other self know me? What must I do to remember us both?
Seth and Dara face these questions as they come to terms with their growing awareness of having lived as Joren and Masaki.