Witch of Lurago Chapter 65: The White Wolf
The trio of spirit animals become increasingly significant characters in the Rootstock Saga.
Yonah, the White Wolf

Fia, the small White Dragon (or sometimes Cat)

The White Lion, as yet unnamed

The trio first appear to Mouse when she’s a young girl. Only she can see them. Why? Because she was born uniquely attuned to the realm in which they exist, the realm she dubs the Misty World. Mouse’s ability to sense and communicate with this parallel world is one of her earliest and strongest mindgifts.
Later in the series, Redan and Lamochatee each encounter a white spirit-wolf in Tallu. Though unnamed when they meet him, this wolf is Yonah, the same spirit who’s been watching over Mouse. Their ability to perceive Yonah foreshadows his connection to the Este and his significance to both Este and Aurels.
Fia often accompanies Yonah when he ventures out of the Misty World, but she never appears alone. Yonah is the first, and so far only, of the trio able to move between the worlds without Mouse as a conduit. Yonah and Fia can both communicate with anyone able to perceive them.
The white lion appears less often and never speaks, not even to Mouse, so she has yet to learn his name. He’s her silent guardian when she visits the mists. It’s harder for him to enter the world of substance, even with Mouse as a conduit.
As the veil between the parallel worlds of mist and substance begins to thin, these become key characters to watch.