Witch of Lurago Chapter 58: The First Law
How many times did you want to grab Nigel by the shoulders and shake him because he hadn’t killed off Deighton yet? Nigel, you’re the Dawnguard’s top agent. You’re sleeping with its greatest assassin. You have a network of shady associates who do your bidding.
Why Nigel? Why is John Deighton still drawing a breath?
Well, now you know. The First Law.
Nigel / Nihyllen can’t harm John / Johanell because they are both Firstborn and bound by the First Law.
The Firstborn are decadent, arrogant, and downright amoral. They’re the last ones you’d expect to hold any sort of ethical convictions. But they do.
The First Law forbids harming their own. No other culture portrayed in the many cultures of Rootstock Saga can claim to adhere to such unwavering restraint. Regardless of how dastardly the acts or how reckless the schemes.
There are too few Firstborn left in this world.

They do not harm their own.