Witch of Lurago Chapter 11: Grief
Grief is one of the rawest emotions in the spectrum of the human experience. We’re made of substance, and time erodes substance, so loss is inevitable.
Everyone who has ever lived has lost someone or something they held dear. We gather mementos, build shrines, and sort our pain into buckets so as to make it seem less insurmountable.
Five stages. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. We mark each day, week, and year against the five-stages yardstick because we are desperate for reassurance there will eventually be an end to the pain.
Losing a spouse is hard. How much harder would it be if you were bonded on a telepathic level? The intimacy lost. The sense of a lost limb.
Gaven senses Rosalee isn’t gone, just waiting beyond his reach.
Damn, that would be hard.