Storm Hawks Chapter 8: Rootstock Religion

The religions portrayed in Rootstock Saga are fictional. Any similarity to current day religions is derivative and not intentional.
That said, the Orthodoxy is the most widespread religion in Legend of the Storm Hawks. As the one true faith, the Orthodoxy’s authority extends beyond the boundaries of kingdoms, empires, and political ambitions.
His Supreme Holiness, Amadeo Constans, guides the faithful.
The rebel Joren abandoned the faith of the Orthodoxy after conquering Rhynn. Perhaps his conscience couldn’t reconcile betraying his brother and conquering a land that bowed to no kings, all for the sake of his own ambition.
And so, the Church of Innis was consecrated. Splintered from the Orthodoxy and beholden to Joren’s favor, the new and empowered sect reached out to claim the souls of Innis. Their high priest bears the title of Beacon.
In Tallu, the Este pray to the First Mother. The Wodi kneel to the gods of their ancestors. The N’si kneel to their own vanity.
Every religion is a potent brew of sanctioned doctrine, trials of devotion, and compromises of convenience.
The religions of Rootstock Saga are no exception.