Storm Hawks Chapter 79: Mouse and the Misty World
Right about now you may be saying, “What the…?”
You met Mouse as one of the waifs who opened a swiftgate for Jenna and Gaven. By now, her companion Raven has moved on from Old Mona’s care, and it’s Mouse’s to time to leave and be put to service at Twelvestones.
Earlier, I alluded to her unique gift. In this chapter, little Mouse seems totally off her rocker. She can’t help it. It’s just how she is. She has learned to keep her peculiarities to herself.
Mouse sees creatures from another time and place, another dimension. The white wolf is a manifestation of one of them.
Her unique mindgift is the ability to perceive both dimensions, two separate realities she names the Hard World and the Misty World. One is of substance. The other is…not. Both are very real.
This is the last we will see of Mouse in Legend of the Storm Hawks, but she’ll be back. As the only one with this ability, she becomes a bridge between the worlds of mist and substance as the saga progresses.
A little mouse opens the door to magic.