Storm Hawks Chapter 6: Rootstock Geography

Legend of the Storm Hawks is primarily set in the island kingdom Innis, but this chapter acknowledges the wider expanse of the Rootstock Saga world.
East of the island Kingdom of Innis, across the Erusian Sea, are the Ten Kingdoms of Erusa. Cadron, Dore, and Pannot are the only three to concern yourself with. King Walter’s estranged sister Anne is in Cadron.
Southeast, across a narrow channel, is Bresca. King Gerard is its secular-minded king. The Gaurenne region of Bresca is home to the descendants of Clan Gaurenne who fled the Isle of Rhynn when Joren invaded.
Beyond Bresca, farther to the south, is Larad. King Philip is its king, and his authority is constrained by the might of the Orthodoxy. The holy city of La Gracia is home to His Supreme Holiness, the most powerful force in the Laradish Empire and beyond.
South of Larad lies Wodi. An ancient empire ruled by Ari warlords, Wodi competes with Larad, Bresca, and Innis for trade dominance. The Gyakari must fight Larad’s incursions, raids, and galleons prowling the Atlassia trade routes.
To the west, across the Atlassia Ocean, Tallu is the homeland of the Este Nation. Malatchee, their Mico of Micos, must protect his people from the three-headed serpent trying to encroach on their land.