Storm Hawks Chapter 49: Rafe, Lucinda, Jules, and Rotharia
Let’s summarize, shall we?
Rafe is a mute. He’s also an agent of the Dawnguard assigned to assist and guard the Degotoga. He and Ashlon have something in common. I’m sure you can guess what that is.
Lucinda Degotoga is Nigel’s wife and fellow Dawnguard agent. They met in her Este homeland of Tallu and trained together there. She left behind her Este name, Lit ho ke of Panther Clan, when she returned to Innis with Nigel. The Degotoga is one of the Dawnguard’s most deadly assassins.
Jules Brunet is… more than he seems. Nigel’s quiet, meticulous secretary has given us a few glimpses of his cleverness. You may suspect, as Nigel does, the young man has his secrets. Rest assured, we will get the rest of his story later in Legend of the Storm Hawks. A wink to those who figure it out before the reveal.
Rotharia is Commander of the Dawnguard. Though advanced in years, even for a nenan, she’s sharp and still quick with a blade or bow. And, of course, is a tad too melodramatic.