Storm Hawks Chapter 36: Stolen Childhood
Amadeo Constans is arguably the most powerful individual in the Legend of the Storm Hawks world. As high priest of the Orthodoxy, his holy empire spans many borders. The Faithful in Larad, Bresca, and the Ten Kingdoms of Erusa all seek his guidance.
Amadeo is a complex character. Self-controlled, disciplined, and cunning, he would seem to be the perfect villain. Ah, but a villain with a vulnerability…
There’d been no time for laughter with those who stole his childhood. He learned what they taught. He prepared to serve their purpose.
Who “they” are remains a mystery until later books. You may begin to suspect before they’re revealed, so I won’t spoil it here.
Amadeo is not the only child they stole, taught, and placed to further their cause. But he is definitely the most cynical.