Storm Hawks Chapter 3 Extra: Innis Recap

Though Rootstock Saga traverses the globe, Legend of the Storm Hawks takes place almost entirely within the Kingdom of Innis.
Before Joren Falkender invaded and conquered the Isle of Rhynn in the year 4000 WC, seven powerful clans ruled within their own independent regions.
The two southernmost regions fell to Joren’s invaders in the early years of the war. Clan Talfryn surrendered. Clan Gaurenne fled. In Rootstock Saga, those regions are known as Surdisi Innis, or the South. A portion of Clan Talfryn’s holdings became known as Da’Rhynn.
The Realm of Urion, home to the once-powerful nene ruling class known as the Firstborn, managed to evade Joren’s armies by retreating into their unassailable last bastion, Twelvestones. The Hollow Hill.
The northern clans battled on, and eventually negotiated for peace. Though they agreed to join the Kingdom of Innis and have hence been subject to its rule, the provinces of the North never truly assimilated into the Kingdom of Innis and still name themselves and their lands Rhynn.
The four northern provinces of Connor, Iverach, Aleron, and Camran retain their cultural and ethnic Aurel heritage even after generations of attempts to cleanse them of their pagan ways. Each Rhynn province is governed by a clan chieftain who also bears the king-bestowed honorific of Rhi.