Storm Hawks Chapter 17: Phoenix Island

An old drunk slouched in a tavern chair. An old woman delivering prisoners’ meals to the Prophet’s Box.
Nigel is a master of disguises.
When he later meets Peder at Falkender Theater, he offers Rootstock Saga’s first mention of Phoenix Island.
Remember the name.
Lake Jura is the largest lake, by far, in Innis. Bordering its shores border some of the most interesting places in Rootstock Saga: Twelvestones and the Realm of the Firstborn, the Mew on Tavish’s Aleron estate, the Turniff Market drove route, and a few miles of Connor Province.
Phoenix Island is one of Lake Jura’s more enduring myths.
Impossible to find for any who go searching without invitation, the mystical island sinks beneath Lake Jura’s surface leaving only mist behind, then inexplicably rises again nowhere near where it last appeared.