The Rootstock World
When you’re world-building, it helps helps to have a map. Early on in writing the Rootstock saga, I had to stop and wonder how long it ought to take Calum to make it from Iversport to Dundarien. Searching around for the definitive answer on how far a horse travels...
Tomnashangan: Captain Ban and the Hollow Hill
While doing genealogy research years ago, long before I began writing Rootstock, I ran across the Scottish legend of Captain Ban and the Hollow Hill of Tomnashangan. A woman goes missing. Nearly a year passes and rumors swirl. The fairies of the hollow hill are holding her captive. Magic...
Pick a Shelf: Adult Fiction or YA?
I was asked today whether the Rootstock saga was written for the Young Adult (YA) audience. Reading a dozen articles from a dozen different perspectives this evening left me with few pearls of wisdom or hard and fast rules on what constitutes YA, or (please spare me) New Adult....
It Starts with a Query
I admit, I do not condense well. The idea of pitching all four books in a query letter to a literary agent is as daunting as the writing itself....
A New Chapter
For eight years, the Rootstock saga has been the story playing out in my head. The characters are with me when I fall asleep at night and on my drive in to work the next morning. It is bittersweet to write the end to their stories. I think I’m...