
A stringed instrument commonly played in Rhynn. The earliest known geddars appear in ancient Aurel paintings from the Shandalar period. Not a lute. Not a mandolin. The Rhynn geddar is, as its similarity in name implies, more comparable to the six-string acoustic guitar of our cycle. It’s a uniquely...

Dragons of Wales: Kazera

Scrolling through my (now obligatory) Twitter feed late one night, I froze on an eye-catching post from @Dragonsofwales. These creatures looked real. Real, as in could-step-off-the-page real. Living and breathing, here in this world, with us. These were the feathered dinosaurs, the remnants of dragonkind as I had long...

Vlad and the Patterns

An excerpt from Path of the Spirit Runner, to whet your appetite. This is from Chapter 8. Vlad the kazera is the point-of-view character. “It isn’t the hindsight.” Esfir burst in brandishing a tablet. “We’ve been looking at this all wrong.” Vlad opened an eye from his perch in...


“You’re one of them,” he said. The child lifted her dark eyes. Lothor remembered that look. His clansmen had worn it, before. It was defiance. “Yes,” she said. “I’m called Raven.” Raven. The Firstborn gave the name to any born with the dark, man-child look. The Camran look. They...


Jorendon is, in my mind, generally comparable to late 17th century London or Paris. Granted, there are notable differences. In the Rootstock Saga world, windwheels and waterwheels power household mechanics. Steam engines are little more than a novelty. Oil and coal are relegated to stoking hearths and lighting lanterns....


Not a wolf. Not a dog. Gwynwulves are intriguing creatures of the Rootstock Saga world. They have an affinity for nenes and bond with their chosen companion on a mystical level. The wolfhound of our world is the closest approximation for size and shape, but the similarities end there....


Fehan’s unremarkable eyes went as round as saucers behind the oversized spectacles perched on his narrow nose, making him look like an underfed owl. Chapter 1, Legend of the Storm Hawks...


When first we meet Brynmohr… Brynmohr cupped his hands around a passing firefly. He peeked between his thumbs. The firefly lifted its wings to flash a yellow beacon. It tickled his palm, so he let it fly away to resume seeking whatever it was fireflies sought. He was exceedingly...

Path of the Spirit Runner: Book Summary

Gifted or cursed? Isobel is a healer, and the Hawks who accepted her, broken and different as she was, need her help. But she must hide the truth behind her healing power. She is an empath. John Deighton, The Prophet, is back in Innis and stoking the embers of...

Ain’t As Easy As It Looks

I found and snapped this tonight from one of the many work-in-progress notebooks I used while writing Rootstock Saga. After 8+ years of shifting Patterns, fickle mindgifts, multiple continents, even more cultures, and let’s not count the named characters… it all converges. SPOILER ALERT Or not. This isn’t really...