Prince of the Firstborn
The Firstborn were a curiosity. A people set apart and herded into a corner. Dragons of Urion caged in a zoo.
Chapter 21, Legend of the Storm Hawks
Today I set my mind on setting aside my pride and giving the book trailer another go, fully expecting the result would be another dose of humility by the day’s end. Alas, I am no further along than when I last set it aside. But there is one addition to the gallery I’m rather pleased with. Shutterstock plus Photoshop.
The Prince of the Firstborn.

It’s the eyes that make me think of Brynmohr. Definitely the eyes. These are the eyes Seth noticed when he first met King Brynmohr.
Nenes were a handsome race. It stood to reason the Firstborn would be the most handsome of the lot. Brynmohr was no match for even Aengus in size, but his taut control warned against underestimating him. He was a fox too wily to catch.
King Brynmohr met Seth’s curious gaze. Chills crept down his arms. It was the eyes again. Isobel had her father’s eyes
Chapter 98, Legend of the Storm Hawks
Maybe there will someday actually be a book trailer. This is not that day. In the meantime, enjoy the Prince of the Firstborn.