The Witch of Lurago

Because Rootstock Saga subscribers always get the best, the first.

(Drum roll)

First glimpse of The Witch of Lurago cover.

Book three of the Rootstock Saga continues the story arc for two of my favorite characters of the series, Redan and Mouse. Both discover unexpected strength lurks beneath the sensitivity the world perceives as weakness.

Rhad am Rhynni. The rebellion, a long time simmering, boils over and rolls down the mountains and across the realm of Innis. Seth fights to reclaim the freedom his Rhynns lost to Joren the Conqueror.

Malatchee Mico invades Philippeon, determined to drive the Laradian snakes into the sea. But war comes with a heavy price for them all.

Yeah, I think you’ll like this one.

Due out in May.