Ain’t As Easy As It Looks

I found and snapped this tonight from one of the many work-in-progress notebooks I used while writing Rootstock Saga. After 8+ years of shifting Patterns, fickle mindgifts, multiple continents, even more cultures, and let’s not count the named characters… it all converges.


Or not. This isn’t really a spoiler shot for the series because so much of what was sketched out here continued to morph as the writing progressed.

But Please Look Away Now if you’re extraordinarily sensitive to any potential tip-offs.

Disclaimer: No characters, settings, or plot elements portrayed or not portrayed in this sketch are confirmed to have survived or not survived the end of Rootstock Saga.

All these carefully woven threads. So many puzzle pieces that had to tie together for a satisfying ending. Ah, the webs we weave.

Personally, I think I nailed the landing in Heart of a Chalyn. (July 2020)